Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Pelanggaran Etika Dilingkungan sekitar

Sharfina Meizaningrum
26211727 / 4eb23

Pelanggaran Etika di Lingkungan Sekitar

         Etika adalah sebuah sesuatu dimana dan bagaimana cabang utama filsafat yang mempelajari nilai atau kualitas yang menjadi studi mengenai standar dan penilaian moral. Dalam beberapa hari ini tertanggal Rabu 1 Oktober 2014 sampai Minggu 5 Oktober 2014 saya melakukan pengamatan terhadap beberapa pelanggaran etika yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang ada disekitar kita.

Rabu, 1 Oktober 2014
        Pada hari ini saya bertugas untuk mengantarkan orang tua saya ketempat kerja, diperjalanan menuju kantor lampu merah merupakan hal biasa yang dihadapi oleh pengendara. Ketika lampu lalu lintas menunjukkan lampu merah tiba-tiba ada seorang pengendara mobil menerobos lampu merah tersebut, sehingga hampir terjadi tabrakan antara sepeda motor dari arah yang berlawanan. Hal itu sangat membahayakan nyawa sipengemudi mobil tersebut dan penggemudi sepeda motor tersebut dan akan menimbulkan kemacetan bagi pengendara lainnya.

Kamis, 2 Oktober 2014
           Pada hari ini saya sampai dikampus saya melihat seorang mahasiswa yang sedang memarahi petugas keamanan/satpam dilapangan parkir. Seorang mahasiswa tersebut memarkirkan kendaraannya bukan ditempat yang seharusnya sehingga menghalangi jalan, kemudian mahasiswa tersebut ditegur oleh satpam tersebut,namun mahasiswa tersebut bukan memindahkan kendaraannya malah memarahi satpam itu. menurut saya itu merupakan pelanggaran etika. 

Jumat, 3 Oktober 2014
        Pada hari ini saya melihat pelanggaran etika di dalam kampus yaitu di Toilet, ketika saya masuk kedalam toilet tersebut saya mencium dan melihat asap rokok keluar dari dalam pintu kamar mandi perempuan. hal tersebut merupakan pelanggaran etika, karena tidak seharusnya mahasiswi merokok didalam kampus meskipun didalam toilet.

Sabtu, 4 Oktober 2014
           Pada hari ini saya melihat pelanggaran etika di SPBU, pada saat saya mengantri untuk mengisi BBM tiba-tiba ada seorang bapak-bapak menyelak antrian saya, padahal antrian dibelakang saya sudah cukup panjang. namun bapak-bapak tersebut tetap menyelak antrian. hal tersebut merupakan pelanggaran etika, karena bapak-bapak tersebut sudah menyelak antrian dan membuat pengemudi yang lain untuk emosi.

Minggu, 5 Oktober 2014
             Pada hari ini tepat Hari Raya Idul Adha, saya dan keluarga pergi ke tempat sodara. Saat dijalan saya melihat penggendara motor yang membawa penumpang 4orang dan tidak memakai helm. itu sanggat membahayakan sekali.

Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Curriculum Vitae

Sharfina Meizaningrum

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Full Name                   : Sharfina Meizaningrum        
Sex                              : Female
Place, Date of Birth    : Jakarta, 19 Mei 1993
Nationality                  : Indonesia
Marital Status              : Single
Height, Weight           : 160 cm , 50 kg
Health                         : Perfect
Religion                       : Moeslem
Address                       : Perum. Graha Indah D12 no.15 Bekasi
MobilePhone               : 081932992212
E-mail                          : vinna_cihuuiy@yahoo.com
Educational Background

1999 – 2005 : AR-Rahman Elementary Islamic School, Bekasi
2005 – 2007 : Junior High School Angkasa, Jakarta
2008 – 2011 : Senior High School SMAN 9 Jakarta
2011 – 2015 : Accounting at the University of Gunadarma Kalimalang
Courses & Traning

2003 – 2004 : Tutoring at Nurul Fikri, Bekasi
2006 – 2007 : English Language Course at ILP, Jakarta


Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Calculation).
Taxation System.
Computer Skills (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook, Web Design, Programming, Internet Marketing, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop ).
Internet Literate.


Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline,honest, and be responsible.


Hi, thanks for giving me opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Sharfina Meizaningrum from Bekasi. I'm 21 years old. My educational background : AR-Rahman Elementary Islamic School, Bekasi (1999-2005), Junior High School Angkasa, Jakarta (2005 – 2007), Senior High School SMAN 9 Jakarta (2008-2011), Accounting at the University of Gunadarma Kalimalang (2011-2015). I know this job vacancy from the advertisement in newspaper. Currently I'm staying at Bekasi with my family. Coming to family background, my father is employee & my mother is employee. I have one younger sister and brother are studying undergraduate.
So, I would like to work in an environment which is continuously evolving, where I can learn more in order to improve my technical skills. Therefore, I feel this company is more suitable for me to apply my skills towards reaching the companies goal & also to improve my economic status too.

I have good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible. And I believe that with my positive attitude I can give a full commitment to my job. That’s all about me. Thank you for listening.

Senin, 28 April 2014



19 Mei 2009
John Crocks
Executive Director

Dear Mr.John 
When we attended automotive exhibition in Jakarta months ago, we visited your booth and see a very interesting demonstration of your product.
Please send your current sales literature and price list? Of course, we will be happy to provide a regular credit and trade reverences if we decide to order from your company.
I need a Avanza 1.3 Sliding for transportation of goods. Could you please confirm the price? please send details of the specification price list and payment terms.

I am looking forward to your prompt reply.

Yours Faithfully,

PT. Wijaya Kencana Pratama
Sharfina Meiza
Purchase Manager


22nd Mei, 2009

PT. Wijaya Kencana Pratama
Sharfina Mieza
Purchase Manager

Dear Ms Sharfina
Thank you for your letter of 19 Mei 2009 regarding your inquiry about our updates catalogues, price list and terms of payment.
We are pleased to enclose our new catalogues, and full details of  our export prices and terms of payment, together with delivery times, and details of discounts for regular purchases and large orders.  and terms of payment includedthe simple of our products
We hope you will find our price and terms satisfactory and look forward to receiving your first order.

Yours sincerely,

John Crock 
Executive Director

Enc : catalogues
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Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

artikel softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Sharfina Meizaningrum

The Effect of Gas Prices on the Economy
(1)The USA consumes 400 million gallons of gasoline every day (present tense) . This with the burgeoning demand from developing nations such as China for gas, has pushed gas prices to record highs, and having an all-pervasive and on-balance a damaging effect on the US economy.
Gas prices in the USA/Canada often vary significantly  between gas stations and supermarket gas pumps. In many areas, ()gas prices can vary by 20-30 cents per gallon or maybe at times even more within a small area. (2)This makes that most motorists (present tense) in the (3)USA/Canada are shopping around to find the best deals on gas (simple present continues), but are still paying a lot more for it.
(4)High gas prices make people stop and think about their commute.(present tense) (5)This will affect the US economy by reducing value of properties ( simple future)  in outer commuting zones around the cities, and depress rural property values.
(6)Analysts were predicting a gallon (present continues) of regular to climb as high as $4.50 a gallon in California by Easter 2011. (7)But these same analysts are saying that if you think gasoline is expensive (present continues) now, just wait until next year! A combination of growing global-demand and rising (8)U.S. fuel exports could send gasoline prices to further (past tense) record highs in 2012, analysts say.
The effects of such (9)big cost hikes will reduce available (simple future)  spending money for all those on average wages and below (10)who need to travel significant distances in their cars (present tense) , and (11)this will further depress (simple future ) the US economy when (12)this cash gets diverted away from a myriad (past tense) of local spending decisions affecting local businesses from restaurants to children’s shoe shops.
(13)Cars now are more fuel-efficient (present tense) than (14)they were in the 90s (past tense), so car owners can reduce your spending on gas by choosing fuel efficient vehicles. (15)This is making US car manufacturers (simple present countinues) and car importers develop and extend their low fuel vehicle ranges. But, US (16)car manufacturers have been slower (simple perfect countinues) than others, such as the Japanese marques, to develop some of the most innovatory fuel efficient vehicles such as the hybrid engine vehicles. (17)This will tend to raise car imports (present future) to the detriment of the US economy until the US manufacturers catch-up.
(18)It is not all bad news though (present continues). Companies that own oilfield (19)reserves will be seeing the value (simple present continues) of their resources growing, and businesses that are connected with the renewable (20)energy market are growing(simple present continues) rapidly right across the range of renewable energy sources from wind, to thermal energy, and of course that most popular of renewable sources which is solar. Renewable energy companies are growing fast (simple present continues) and employing increased numbers of staff.

Rumus Tenses :
Simple Present Tense
Formula :
+ )        S + V1 + O/C

Present Continuous Tense
Formula :
+ )        S + Be + V1 + ing + O/C 

 Present Perfect Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb+main verb

 Past Continuous Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + was/were + Ving

Simple Future Tense
Formula :
subject+auxiliary verb WILL+main verb

Past Future Tense
Formula :
(+) : S + would + V1